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How can I change my plan?

If you want to upgrade or downgrade to a different plan, you're in the right place

Casey avatar
Written by Casey
Updated over a year ago

We've made changing your plan really easy - you just need to have auto-renew enabled to make a change. 🚀

  1. Head to your Dashboard and go into Account settings > Manage plan

  2. Click Change your plan

  3. Select the plan you'd like to switch to

  4. Confirm the plan change and hit Pay (no payment will be taken at this point)

  5. Done! Your new plan will come into effect from your next renewal date. If you've manually renewed, you can enjoy your new plan right away.


When will my plan change come into effect? 📅

If you are changing your plan during your current month, your new plan will take effect from your next renewal date.

Do I have to pay to make a plan change? 💴

No - you just have to ensure auto-renew is enabled. Before your plan change is confirmed, some banks will require you to authorise the payment in advance.

What’ll happen to my data discount or other promotions if I change plans? ✨

If you have a promotion or offer on your current plan, you will lose this promotion and it will not be carried over.

If you’re currently on a plan that is no longer available, you can stay on this plan for as long as you like, but you will not be able to change back to it once you change to a different plan.

If you’re on a data discount plan and want to move to a smaller data discount plan, you can still receive a discount, but only up to the amount allowed on that plan. All of our data discount plans benefit from the same discount which is £1 per 1GB of unused data, however if you were on the 3GB plan and saved £3 of unused data discount, then decided to change to the 1GB plan, you’ll only get £1 off your next month as that’s the maximum for the 1GB plan.

If you’re on a data discount plan and want to upgrade to one of our plan types, any unused data discount will not be carried over.

I don’t see the “Change Plan” button on my dashboard 👀

You can’t change plans until you turn on auto-renew from your account settings. If you don’t wish to turn on auto-renewing payments, once your current plan expires, you’ll have the option to renew onto a different plan.

Can I change plans if my plan has expired or is on pause? 🙅‍♂️

If you didn’t have auto-renew turned on and your plan expired, you’ll still have the option to renew onto a different plan.

However, if your plan has been paused due to a payment failure, you will not be able to request a plan change until you update your payment information and renew your current plan. Once you have done so, you’ll be able to request a plan change, which will come into effect on your next renewal.

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